Managing transportation operations in real-time requires data sharing. Companies frequently use two common types of connections to exchange data: EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and API (Application Programming Interface). They both allow a quick and secure data exchange from system to system.

EDI is known for its easy and secure data transfer (allowing you to transfer large quantities at once). In contrast, API is more flexible and ensures data is shared in real-time and is synchronized in both directions.


Key differences between API and EDI

💡 Current language available:


Real-time Batch processing
Synchronous Asynchronous
1000s of data transactions per second 100s of data transactions per second
Mainly small messages Large messages and files
Easier to maintain Requires more maintenance


You can visit our blog to find out more about the key differences between API and EDI integration.


Shippeo’s platform is fully compatible with both API and EDI connection types, allowing our clients and partners to exchange data with our system with the method of their choice on a case-by-case basis.


To discuss connection types to use with Shippeo, please get in touch with your Account Manager.


Access our API/EDI Documentation

We have an entire section regarding our API and EDI documentation. In this section, shippeo will provide you with everything you need to know about:

  • Order Creation and Modification
  • Status Update
  • Position Management
  • Information Exchange

There are two main ways to access this documentation:


Through a link

Click on the following link: API/EDI Documentation


Through the Help Center:

  1. Access our Help Center.
  2. At the bottom of the page, inside the additional resources bar, click on the button called "API Documentation."


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