We hope that our Help Center and our in-platform Support can help you solve most of your questions. However, if anything is unclear then you are, of course, very welcome to contact our Support Team who is happy to help you further.


Getting in touch with the Support Team

In order to get in touch with our Support Team, you simply need to click on "Submit a Request" at the top of this page (see below). There, we invite you to fill in all details about the situation you are faced with so that we can help you as quickly as possible.




To allow us to investigate the most efficient, please provide as many details as possible:

  • Key information: Username / Carrier name / Shipper Name / Order references / Tab name
  • Description of how to reproduce the issue you are facing
  • Conclusion: what is happening / what did you expect
  • Screenshots

Do not hesitate to put your Shippeo contact in the loop and other possible stakeholders like your shipper, carrier or telematics contact.

Following up your Tickets / Questions

On Shippeo side, we will then open something that we call a "Ticket" and the Support Team will get back to you in no time. However, in some cases, an issue might need the intervention or investigation of our technical team. In this case, you will be able to follow up the status of your ticket easily on our Help Center.

  1. Click on "Help" in your Shippeo account to access the Help Center.
  2. Click on your name in the top bar and then click "My Tickets". 
  3. On this page, you will find all open and ongoing tickets but also previously solved tickets / question you have sent to Shippeo.
  4. You can answer to tickets directly on this page if any additional information is required from your side or in case you have any other details to add.

The status and the colours give you an indicated of the status of your ticket.

Level Status Explanation Action required from you



This is the first status your ticket receives as soon as you have sent it and as soon it has reached our Support team. Nothing has happened with your ticket so far but don't worry, it won't have this status for long! No



Our level 1 support team is investigating your ticket, you should have received a first answer with an initial answer by now but we need to dig a bit deeper to help you in the best way possible.  No

Pending Requester Feedback


This status means that we need some additional information from your side to either fully understand the situation or to investigate further. We would invite you to have a look at the ticket and get back to our Support team. Yes

Expert Investigation


The situation needs some deeper investigation, so the level 1 Support team asked for help from our technical experts who have the tools and skills to dig deeper. This is what is happening when you see this status, our team is on it and is doing their best to help you further. No

Product Investigation


If the situation seems to rather be an issue on our side, then our technical experts need to get our product team involved. This is what happened in this status. Your situation has reached our product experts who are investigating the issue. No

Development in progress


In case you have encountered an issue that needs some technical updates on our side, then you will see this status. Our product team has identified the issue and is fixing it as we speak. No

In progress


In case we need some insights from the Account Management team to solve your issue, you will see this status. Your Account Management team has been informed and is working on the task. You might be contacted via another canal. No

QA Testing


After the issue has been identified and/or solved, the ticket comes back to level 1 who will test the situation to ensure that everything is working as it should be before getting back to you. No worries, we will reach out to you soon but we want to be sure that your issue has been fixed for good! No



Your issue has been solved. Our level 1 Support team should have got back to you with an explanation and a solution to your situation. If your issue persists or if you have any additional questions regarding this situation, then you are welcome to reopen this ticket and send a message to our team. Possibly



After a ticket had the status "Solved" for 7 days, Shippeo archives the ticket. You are still able to see the ticket and all messages that have been sent but you will not be able to send a message as this ticket is regarded as archived. You can, however, open a follow-up ticket. No


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